Getting Around Campus


Getting Around Campus


  • We will start the day in the Claudia Crosby Theatre in Smith Hall at 601 University Avenue opposite the Academic Quad with the Trojan Fountain. Sign-in will be in the lobby outside the theatre. Students may be dropped off in front of Smith Hall. 
  • 鈥媁e will walk across the Quad to Patterson Hall where we will spend the rest of the day.  Patterson Hall would be the best location for parking because it is open to anyone with a parking pass. 
  • 鈥婽he workshops will be held in different lecture halls within Patterson Hall and demonstrations will be held outside Patterson Hall. 


  • There will be parking in front of Patterson Hall and Wallace Hall, 111 International Blvd.  You will end the day near Patterson Hall so this would be the best location for parking  once students are dropped off on University Avenue in front of Smith Hall. 
  • Please be aware that there is construction of a new building next to Patterson Hall and our Geo Day presenters will have demonstration vehicles in this parking lot next to Patterson Hall. 
  • 鈥婸lease make sure to display the Parking Pass on the dashboard of all vehicles!

Download Parking Pass.

Getting to the Campus

There are multiple exits for the University from US-231.  The easiest route is to take George Wallace Drive to University Avenue.  Turn left at the Power T (you can't miss it!) and proceed to Smith Hall opposite the Trojan Fountain. To park at Patterson Hall, proceed down University Avenue, turn right at the traffic circle, and turn right after the stop sign  into one of the parking lots opposite the International Arts Center .   


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